Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Since when...?

I know that all my posts of late have been about Anna or family stuff, but I want to take a minute and ask a question: Since when is it OK for people to be rude?

A little background... I'm sitting here watching American Idol (yes, I watch every week) and listening to the crowd "boo" everything the judges say. Last time I checked, booing was not appropriate behavior in ANY circumstance. Since when is it OK to "boo" someone simply because you disagree with what they say? Does this sudden change in etiquette apply to politicians (I can think of a few that deserve booing), co-workers (I love all mine), or fast-food employees who take a long time to get your food? What about teachers? (My classes would probably be 75% booing.)

The American Idol judges are there to give constructive criticism. They get paid for their opinion, and that opinion is usually musically sound. You'd think that we could be a little more accepting of the opinions of others. And if for some reason we find we completely disagree, we can still have manners. Right?


Becky Davis said...

I was watching the same American Idol last night, and more often than not I agreed with the opinions of the judges. A pitch problem is not one of those subjective opinions--either you have a pitch problem or not. Don't boo people for stating the facts! And I really don't even have anything to say about Sanjaya (sigh).

But, I've noticed rudeness abounding in my surroundings as well. My students, especially in my 4th and 6th hours, are terribly rude. Talking while I talk, making obscene comments, and the list goes on. Rather than using please and thank you, I have noticed more "commands" or "demands" from my co-workers. I'm tired of it. Sometimes I just want to give them all the finger, but I suppose that is just breeding more hostility and rudeness. Is anyone kind anymore???

Jana Swartwood said...

Seriously! Ditto to both of you! I think it's all a reflection of a deeper prevalent self-centered attitude:

"I don't like what the judges said, and I'm not going to take time to consider whether they were right, because thinking is hard, and I should just do whatever I want to do. So I'll boo as loudly as I can because I didn't get my way."

And yet in a situation like American Idol, a reactive crowd helps sell the show. The more the studio audience cares, the more the viewers will get emotionally involved. So, I can hardly see why the producers would discourage it. Even though I totally agree with you and Becky about how rude it is.