Monday, September 22, 2008

Little Blessings

I'm so grateful to have friends here in our new town. True, we've lived here for over a year now, and in many ways I still miss our "real" home back in Florida, but in other ways, I feel like this is now our home. I think one of the reasons I feel comfortably settled here is because of the friends we've made. I am very blessed know several other moms who have kids Anna's age, and we get together (almost) every week so the kids can play and we can chat (read: referee). I am so glad for the friendship of these girls and Anna's friendship with their children.

Last month I got to take photos of my friend Erin's new little boy. We just got the birth announcement in the mail and it was so exciting to see some of my photos somewhere other than on my computer! Here it is up on our fridge--I took the photos on the left and in the middle. (Oh, and I blacked out the names for their privacy.)

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